Supporting Children in Need 2019
- Glasdon Employee Events
- 19 Nov 2019
In another fundraising effort to raise money for BBC’s Children in Need, Glasdon staff dressed in their best Pudsey gear to support the charity.
Staff in all offices got involved, turning up to work whilst dressed in Pudsey t-shirt’s, accessories and stand out bright yellow Pudsey onesies!
Children in Need is the BBC’S UK charity, who since 1980 has raised over £1 billion for disadvantaged children and young people.*
The charity provides grants to projects in the UK that support children facing a range of issues such as poverty and deprivation, children who have been victims of abuse and neglect, and disabled children.
They currently support over 3,000 local charities and projects in communities across the UK.
Glasdon staff along with the Glasdon Charitable Giving Committee managed to raise a total of £400 for the charity.
Find out more about the amazing charity and who they help here: BBC Children in Need - Who You Help.
A huge thank you once again to all staff who dressed up and contributed to the fantastic cause.
Source: *