Blackpool Music School
- D.J. Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme
- 10 Jun 2024
Changing lives with the power of music.
Blackpool Music School is a registered charity with non-profit status. It offers affordable tuition for various instruments including keyboard, piano, saxophone, drums, ukulele, and guitar alongside tuition in music theory, to name just a few, to anyone aged eight and upwards.
With its costs kept at a minimum, Blackpool Music School offers value-for-money memberships for people with low incomes, disabilities, young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and young people who may be excluded from full-time education or are unable to cope in busy environments.
The school currently has a small group of students who receive free lessons as they are unable to afford to pay. Blackpool Music School helps fund them so they can reach their full potential. Additionally, they aim to build the confidence of students who struggle with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues and help them through their grading.
The D J Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme has committed to providing a donation to the school that will help support and provide a total of twenty students with access to the RSL online learning platform and allow them to take graded exams.
For more information on Blackpool Music School, please visit their website.
The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme provides support for charities and community projects with donations, grants and fundraising initiatives. All activities are funded by Glasdon Group Limited, with the full support of our Founder and Chairman, Donald J Sidebottom MBE, FCIHT and the Board of Directors. Applications for grants and support can be made on our grant application page.