Putting Disability First
- D.J. Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme
- 20 Jun 2023
A charity that helps anyone living with or caring for someone with a disability.
Disability First Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) has provided specialist support to the disabled community across Lancashire and Cumbria since 1992, continuously operating without boundaries and prejudice.
The charity aims to empower disabled people and improve their quality of life, offering projects and services for their clients, such as a comprehensive welfare benefits service. On a one-to-one basis, they aid individuals with disabilities and their families to complete benefit forms so they can receive the financial assistance they need, providing support through the appeals process and helping them navigate the complexities of the welfare system.
The charity works with business and government services to campaign and raise awareness of disability issues in a bid to achieve greater accessibility and inclusion, promoting the views of their clients and highlighting issues through representation and consultation.
They currently have 16 volunteers, describing them as the "backbone" of the organisation, many of whom themselves have disabilities. These volunteers can provide insight and direct assistance and as a charity that promotes accessibility, they wish to support their volunteers with disabilities the best they can, recognising their invaluable expertise.
The provided grant by The DJ Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme will help meet the expenses of their volunteers, including taxi fares for those with limited mobility who cannot use public transport, ensuring they can continue providing the same fantastic support.
To see more of the remarkable work the organisation undertakes, please visit the Disability First website, where you can also donate or enlist to volunteer.
The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme provides support for charities and community projects with donations, grants and fundraising initiatives. All activities are funded by Glasdon Group Limited, with the full support of our Founder and Chairman, Donald J Sidebottom MBE, FCIHT and the Board of Directors. Applications for grants and support can be made on our grant application page.