Headway Leads the Way
- D.J. Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme
- 19 Jan 2023
Grant provided to assist in the social respite of those suffering from brain injuries and their families and carers.
Headway is a non-profit organisation that aims to provide information, support and social activities for people suffering from acquired brain injuries.
The organisation currently supports approximately 100 individuals including their families and carers by providing drop-in sessions and social activities, allowing individuals to take a vital break from the social isolation they experience in their lives.
Through rehabilitation techniques, peer group sessions and social activities like coffee mornings and lunch clubs, the organisation aims to bring those experiencing the same issues together. They believe that the most important aspect of the charity is the chance to share mutual experiences with other group members, knowing that those listening understand the problems and difficulties that brain injury brings.
Their members are largely in the over-50 age group, those who are more susceptible to suffering from loneliness and seclusion from the surrounding community, many of whom are unable to work.
The grant would allow the organisation to purchase accessible games so group members, together with their peers, families and carers, can actively take part in fun and accessible activities together. They state that being able to take part in these sorts of games alleviates the challenging experiences often found in physical activities.
To see more of the fantastic work the organisation undertakes, please visit the Headway website, or follow their active social media presence to keep you up to date on a regular basis.
The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme provides support for charities and community projects with donations, grants and fundraising initiatives. All activities are funded by Glasdon Group Limited, with the full support of our Founder and Chairman, Donald J Sidebottom MBE, FCIHT and the Board of Directors. Applications for grants and support can be made on our grant application page.