Glasdon Chooses Its Employee Charity of the Year
- D.J. Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme
- 25 Mar 2024
It’s that time again - Glasdon employees have been submitting their nominations for the charity they would like to receive a generous donation from The D J Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme.
After considering numerous nominations for various outstanding charities, the results are in, and we are pleased to announce that The DJ Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme has selected "Men's Sheds" as this year's winner. This organisation operates nationwide to enhance well-being, reduce loneliness and combat social isolation, primarily among men. They achieve this by establishing community spaces called "Sheds," where groups can connect, converse and create together.
Research suggests that men may face greater challenges in forming social connections compared to women. This is especially evident as they age, with fewer older men having close friendships and feeling uncomfortable discussing personal issues such as health concerns. While this is not a universal experience for all men, retirement can often lead to a sense of losing one's identity and purpose. Men's Sheds play a crucial role in this aspect.
While typically attracting older men, many younger men and women are welcome. Sheds are places where like-minded people come together to share their concerns, have fun and exchange skills and knowledge. These activities can vary from woodworking and metalworking to electronics and car building. Sheds can serve as an office, portable cabin, warehouse, or garage – whatever the members want it to be.
Men’s Shed will receive £10,000 which will be split between the local Sheds of Fleetwood Men’s Shed, Junction 4 Men’s Shed, Fylde Coast Men’s Shed, Ribbleton Men’s Shed and Kirkham Men’s Shed.
For more information about Men’s Shed and the fantastic services they provide to improve the lives of many, please visit
More to Give...
As in previous years during the Christmas period, instead of sending a Company Christmas Card to staff, customers and suppliers, we made a Company donation of £500 each to two charities that were also nominated for the Glasdon Employee Charity of the Year. These charities: "Blue Skies Blackpool Victoria Neonatal Unit – Parent Kitchen Fund", a local hospital charity that supports the Neonatal Unit, which cares for babies with various medical conditions. Additionally, "Pans Panda UK”, a charity founded to educate and raise awareness about the conditions of PANS and PANDAS.
Due to the ongoing cost of living crisis, we have also made additional donations of £5,000 each to Blackpool Food Bank, Fylde Food Bank and Faith in the Community/The Pantry.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to all these charities for their commitment, care and support within their local communities.
The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme provides support for charities and community projects with donations, grants and fundraising initiatives. All activities are funded by Glasdon Group Limited, with the full support of our Founder and Chairman, Donald J Sidebottom MBE, FCIHT and the Board of Directors. Applications for grants and support can be made on our grant application page.