Fighting Anxiety and Improving Recovery
- D.J. Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme
- 26 Apr 2022
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity support local hospitals by supporting world class treatment, research and outstanding care.
Driven by their dedication to making a difference to thousands of patients, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity constantly strives to work toward its goal to fund the items which are above and beyond what the NHS can provide.
With three strategic aims guiding its practices, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, with the help of Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity, endeavours to provide outstanding healthcare to local communities, offer a variety of high quality and specialised services to patients and drive innovation through education, training, and research.
To help mitigate the effects of hospitalisation on children and their families, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity approached The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme to ask for support funding a RockinR’ Gaming Cart for their Children’s Services at Royal Preston Hospital.
Expected to benefit 2190 children over the course of a year, The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme were more than happy to offer its support.
To fund the cost of a mobile RockinR’ Gaming Cart, The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme is making a grant donation to Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Charity.
The cart is customised specifically for healthcare environments and offers a distraction from anxiety invoking procedures and treatments, and promotes well-being and social interaction.
Accessible to a range of children up to the age of 19 years old, the RockinR’ Gaming Cart will promote social interaction, combat isolation, foster a sense of belonging, joy and contentment and positively impact patient recovery.
To learn more about Lancashire Teaching Hospitals and discover how they help patients in the Preston and Lancashire area, visit their website:
To learn more about grants available through the DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme, visit the dedicated website: