Breaking the Silence with Sign Hi Say Hi!
- D.J. Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme
- 08 Jul 2022
The DJ Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme Supply Donation to Blackpool Charity for Deaf Children.
Sign Hi Say Hi! is a Blackpool based charity run by a small group of parents originating from the Fylde, Wyre and Blackpool Deaf Children’s Society.
Experienced in raising a deaf child, they share a common goal of spreading information and awareness about children facing deafness. With the idea of helping others in their position, they have devoted their time to offering the correct and appropriate support to children and their families.
Providing opportunities through activity sessions and events, a communal experience can be created for deaf children to meet other children alike, allowing friendships to be formed, ones that they would be unlikely to make in their daily lives.
The donation has been funded through the DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme in the hope of enabling the charity’s good work to continue, allowing them to provide more activities for local deaf children in the future.
Can you help? Whether you have a special set of skills or just want to help increase awareness across the community, Sign Hi Say Hi! are always looking for new people to get involved. Visit their website to find out what you can do to make a difference in the lives of families with deaf children:
To learn more about grants available through The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme, visit the grant criteria page on our website.