A Haven for the Community
- D.J. Sidebottom / Glasdon Charitable Programme
- 14 Mar 2023
Based in Lytham, Park View 4U is a multi-generational award-winning park, established 20 years ago through a community initiative.
The park has developed to become a community hub that delivers an exciting range of activities, events and workshops, as well as an outdoor education programme.
Aside from traditional play areas, football fields and other leisure spaces typically found in parks, the park has successfully raised funds to provide exciting recreational facilities, accessible to users across three generations. These include such spaces as a BMX track, skate park, multi-use games area, kitchen garden, amphitheatre and an adult exercise area.
A prominent aspect of the park is its ability to effectively host multiple sports and wellbeing societies. On a regular basis, running groups for both juniors and adults, health walking groups and football teams all visit to benefit from what the park has to offer. Meanwhile, the Ecopod Community Centre is a multi-use community venue for clubs to teach crochet, guitar lessons, gardening and yoga. All these facilities and events on site are maintained by the Park View 4U Charity, through fundraising by the trustees, staff and local community members.
Concern had been expressed regarding the parks ageing defibrillator. Over the years, the unit has proven to be a lifesaver, having been used four times on both adults and a child with heart issues. They were concerned that if they were unable to replace the machine, it would affect their ability to safeguard people of all ages that access the park’s facilities.
The grant provided will be used to purchase a new defibrillator machine and an outdoor locked heated cabinet, which will enable all the sports groups and thousands of visitors every year to safely continue their activities in the park.
For more information about all the opportunities and events Park View 4U have to offer, please visit their website: https://www.parkview4u.org.uk/
The DJ Sidebottom/Glasdon Charitable Programme provides support for charities and community projects with donations, grants and fundraising initiatives. All activities are funded by Glasdon Group Limited, with the full support of our Founder and Chairman, Donald J Sidebottom MBE, FCIHT and the Board of Directors. Applications for grants and support can be made on our grant application page.